湧き上がる謎・青獅子の学級 Another Mystery (Blue Lions)
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
ディミトリ: ……なるほど、そうでしたか。それで、しばらくはここに滞在される、と。
Dimitri: I see. So you'll be staying here for some time, then.
Honestly, I'm surprised. I've heard it's been a few years since you last donated to the church.
アランデル公: それは単に、領内の懐事情によるものだ。聖教会との関係に変わるところはない。
Lord Arundel: That was merely because of the financial situation of my territory. I assure you, it has nothing to do with my dedication to the church.
By the way, Dimitri... Isn't Edelgard currently enrolled at the Officers Academy as well?
ディミトリ: 黒鷲の学級に、外出の予定はなかったはず。会いに行かれてはどうです?
Dimitri: Yes. She's in the Black Eagle House. I don't believe she has any plans to leave anytime soon. Why not pay her a visit?
アランデル公: では、そうさせていただこうか。たまには、姪の姿も見ておきたい。
Lord Arundel: I may do just that. It's nice to stay in touch with my dear niece every now and then.
Of course I'm also delighted that I was able to speak with my nephew, as well. Whether through marriage or otherwise, family is family, after all.
ディミトリ: ……そうですね。こちらこそ、義伯父上。
Dimitri: Of course. The feeling is mutual.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、先生。見ていたなら、声をかけてくれても良かったのに。
Dimitri: Professor... If you were watching, you should have made your presence known.
Byleth: 今のは誰? Who was that?
ディミトリ: ……あの方は帝国の摂政、アランデル公。エーデルガルトの伯父にあたる方だ。
Dimitri: That was Lord Arundel, the Regent for the Empire. He is also Edelgard's uncle.
Choice 1: 知り合い? An acquaintance of yours?
ディミトリ: ああ。昔、縁あって幾度か言葉を交わしたことがある。
Dimitri: In a sense. We have spoken on several occasions, albeit many years ago.
Choice 2: 甥と呼ばれていたが? He called you his nephew...
ディミトリ: あの方は、俺の継母の兄でもあってな。血縁はないが、俺の義伯父になるわけだ。
Dimitri: My stepmother was his younger sister. We are not related by blood, but he is technically my uncle.
Choice 1: ということはつまり……? In other words...
Choice 2: ならばエーデルガルトとは……? So, you and Edelgard... *Dimitri up
ディミトリ: そうだな……俺の継母は、エーデルガルトにとっては実の母親にあたる人で……
Dimitri: Yes. My stepmother was Edelgard's birth mother.
Edelgard and I are siblings by marriage.
We can delve into that topic another time. For now, let's make preparations to investigate what's happening in that village.
ソティス: ふうむ……帝国の皇女と王国の王子が義理の姉弟とは、ちと歪な話じゃのう……。
Sothis: Oh dear. The princess of the Empire and the Kingdom's prince are kin! How very odd.
Choice 1: だから気にかけていたのか So that's why he was worried about her... (Sothis ⤴)
ソティス: 誰とて、家族には思い入れを抱くものじゃ。そう、このわしとて……。
Sothis: All beings are attached somehow to those who are their family. Yes...even I.
I must have had a family too... I wish I could remember them.
My family... I wonder who and where they are, and what they're doing now.
Choice 2: どんな事情が…… I find it odd as well...
ソティス: 知られたくない話もあろう。本人の口から語られるのを待つことじゃな。
Sothis: They likely harbor knowledge they do not wish to share. Oh yes, I'm sure of it. But I suppose we must wait until the time of truth arrives...
ソティス: ま、良い。ところでおぬし、アランデル公の名に聞き覚えがないとは言わせぬぞ。
Sothis: In any case... About this Arundel. You've heard that name before, correct?
Choice 1: 書庫で In the library. *Sothis up
ソティス: そうじゃ。ディミトリが書庫で何やら探っておった時に見た名じゃな。
Sothis: Quite true! We came across that name within the library, right where the prince had been.
Choice 2: 執務室で In the office. *Sothis down
ソティス: おぬし、わしより物覚えが悪いのではないか?
書庫じゃ、書庫! いつかの夜更け、ディミトリが何やら探っておったろう?
Sothis: Your memory is worse than mine!
The library! We came across that name within the library, right where the prince had been. Don't you recall?
ソティス: アランデル公とやら、死んだものと思うておったが……ピンピンしておるではないか。
Sothis: I thought that Arundel had died... And yet, not so. He seems alive and well.
I wonder what the prince had hoped to learn from reading of his uncle's charity...
So many things the prince has yet to tell... How bothersome...